An Affiliate Network is an intermediary linking affiliates (also known as publishers) with merchants (businesses that are running an affiliate program).

A few examples of popular affiliate networks are CJ Affiliate, Rakuten Advertising and ShareASale.

The Advantages of Using an Affiliate Network for Merchant Companies

The Affiliate Network is good for companies running an affiliate program because:

  • they can leverage the large combined audience of all of the affiliates or publishers who are participating in the affiliate network
  • they do not have to invest in their own affiliate program software
  • they may be able to limit their program to affiliates or publishers with proven track records
  • the Affiliate Network will normally be more experienced than the company in preventing fraudulent activity

The Advantages of Using an Affiliate Network for Affiliates

  • they can leverage the large combined audience of all of the affiliates or publishers who are participating in the affiliate network
  • they do not have to invest in their own affiliate program software
  • they may be able to limit their program to affiliates or publishers with proven track records
  • the Affiliate Network will normally be more experienced than the company in preventing fraudulent activity

The Affiliate Network is good for affiliates or publishers because:

The Cost of Participating in an Affiliate Network

Affiliate networks are typically free for affiliates or publishers to join and participate.

There is usually a cost for merchants to participate, which may include a set-up fee, recurring membership fees, and a percentage of the commissions paid to affiliates.